Sunday, October 3, 2010

Eggplant Curry

Oishi desu!

I got this recipe from a wonderful friend in Japan. What I'm relaying is totally from memory as I can't locate the recipe she wrote for us. It's sad because she has beautiful writing and her pictures are great! It's probably the reason I can remember anything. If it doesn't taste great, you'll probably have to blame it on my faulty memory. I still look for that recipe from time to time.

The key to this is getting a hold of Japanese curry. I don't have a recipe for making it from scratch. When we learned our Japanese recipes, curry was so cheap to get no one bothered to give us recipes for making it. If you go to buy some, I would recommend House brand and then S&B, but that's just me.

The packages we have are two parts of four to six squares each. We use half of one of these packages. If you get a small package with only four or six squares, use the whole thing for this recipe. For the friends with a double package like ours, remember to cut the water in half.

Eggplant Curry

150 grams of hamburger (1/3 lb)
3 - 4 cloves of garlic, minced*
3 medium onions
3-4 eggplants, chopped**
Japanese curry
1 square from a Hershey bar**


1. However you make rice, work on getting that set up.
2. Cook the hamburger. Drain off the fat. Keep off to the side.
3. Cook the onions and garlic.
4. Add the amount of water specified by the curry. Then put in the eggplant and cook until barely softened.
5. Add the hamburger and curry. Stir and heat until simmering. When the eggplant is soft and the curry dissolved, add the chocolate.
6. Remove from heat and serve over rice.

* We tend to like a lot of garlic, so we go with 4 - 6 minced cloves.
** Yes, it really is that little, but it makes all the difference in the world, so don't forget it. just one little part of a full bar.

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